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Stalkbook Series 3: Casualty of War
Dylan joins a convoy to deliver aid to war-torn Syria. But his humanitarian dream turns into a horrific nightmare when his background arouses suspicions amongst ruthless extremists.
His noble ambitions could threaten his life, or prove to be the key to a promising future. But can his friends back home act in time to save him?
A shocking discovery about a mutual friend changes the lives of five students. What role does Social Media play in their relationships, romances, and the dark mystery behind an untimely death?
Blue Is the Object
Most teens manage to survive the separation of their parents, and the sinister influence of ‘porn culture’. But with a mother like Dee, and a best friend like Nikki, what are the odds for Azur?
The Life Coach Less Travelled
Su Litigio is a narcissistic schemer, set on sabotaging the happiness of those close to her. She is a bitch. But then, isn’t Karma one too ?
So Sister
Growing up in the 1960’s Madeleine finds her own meaning through confusion and conflict, between the constraints of a Catholic upbringing, the new pop culture, class and race; to create her own love story.
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Selling Short – novel
Some lovers are more equal than others. Barba yearns for love and romance. Atek craves money, sex and freedom. The gap between their ages, life experiences and expectations is wide and bitter. But their affair teaches Barba a lesson of true value.
Spanish Steps, Sources and Seasons
A collection of poems; musings on love, loss, religion and Nature over three decades; some old, some newer.

Christ’s Passion in Poetry and Perspective
The viewpoints and responses of Peter, Judas, Pontius Pilate, a Roman centurion on guard at the Crucifixion, Mary Magdalene and Christ’s mother, Mary, are presented in different poetic forms.
This guide draws on life-coaching strategies, NLP, EFT and current thinking in applied positive psychology. A concise handbook full of examples, insights and techniques, which you can begin to apply in order to create positive changes in any area of your life.
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October 19th 2024
Glossop BookFest 2024
As a member of the Glossop BookFest Team I will be at this fun, family-friendly event. Come and chat to me and other writers and illustrators, check out our books, enjoy the activities.
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