New Mills Festival 2019 – Poetry Trail

Theme: Elements – Earth, Fire, Air, Water Very nice to have my poem ‘Hot Summer 2018 – When the Moors were Set Alight’ (see previous post) displayed in the Festival Poetry Trail and booklet. Thank you to all involved! Poetry Festival 13-29th...

Manchester Women: Past and Future (poem)

Manchester Women – Past and Future Queen Bees of the dusty, backstreet Hives of tight-knit terraced houses, Workers amidst the frantic buzz Of tireless factory machines; Holding up the living fabric Of industry, family nests, And bosoms in flowered pinnies; Gossiping...

It’s Autumn Already

As usual I still have that ‘waiting for summer to happen’ feeling, then the first sweet smells of damp decay hit me, and I can’t deny it anymore. Here’s a poem I wrote a long time ago:   Game Bird in Autumn   Watch the rocking-fool...